About me
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Hi! I’m Chris

When people ask me what I do, I tell them I organize disorder, and coax unity out of disarray amongst the interwebs.

After taking classes in both the graphic design and psychology fields, I have learned to understand the artistic and the psychological sides of design and user experience. I enjoy doing research and learning more about human behavior as well as their interaction with the web.

Things I love to work on

UX / Interaction Design

Simplicity, guide the user, no furrowed brows

User Interface / Visual Design

Design should get out of your way, minimalism, get to the point, elegance.

Native Mobile Apps / Responsive Web

We are in the mobile age. People are always on the go and have a computer in their pocket.

Information Architetcure

Organization is key. Logical structure. Has lots of psychological effects.

User Research

Customers, users come first. Hear what they are really saying, wanting, and doing.

Technical Skills


Adobe Suite0





Practical Skills


Adobe Suite0





Brands I’ve worked with

I hope to work with yours soon!

Let’s work together!

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